Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fun Ways to Stay In Shape

Let's face it. Walking on a treadmill to nowhere can be tedious work in itself, and in the dead cold of winter, you aren't exactly strapping on your hiking boots. There are many unique ways you can stay in shape this winter and still have fun indoors.

1. The hula hoop is no longer for your five year old niece. Go to to buy a dvd for $14.99 that will for sure get your midsection in shape. An adult size hula hoop is required, and make sure you have the room in your house to hoop. This hour dvd goes by fast when you are having fun!

2. Grab the game "Just Dance" for your Wii. Unlike Dance Revolution, you don't get booted off if your movements aren't exact. In return, you can get a good workout for your arms and legs. Need more motivation? Many top songs from artists such as Britney Spears and Katy Perry are featured.

3. Want something exotic? Pick up The Bollywood Dance Workout with Hemalayaa available at most Bestbuy stores. This 50 minute dvd will have you dancing and sweating while perfecting your own Bollywood dance moves.

4. Grab a friend and head over to a local community center and play some racquetball. You don't have to be an expert to play this fairy simple game that involves a ball, two racquets (you can usually rent), and basic rules you can brush up upon online. One hour of this can burn up to 400 calories!

5. Broomball anyone? A sport that is more popular in Canada, we should really embrace this fun filled activity. If you have a group of friends, plan a once a week outing to play some broomball. Much like hockey, players leave their shoes on (rubber soled), and use brooms to push a ball to the goal. Most ice rinks have the equipment for rental. You just need to rent the ice rink for an hour, and you are all set. An hour of this will also burn about 400 calories, and it's a great way to get together with your friends.

Although the groundhog has seen his shadow and we are doomed for 6 more weeks of winter, there are many ways you can still get up and get your heart rate up. Take advantage of the cold weather to do things you may not do once the weather is warm.

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